It's been way to long

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  • Returned (sadly) from an amazing adventure in Austria. Full of stories and amazing new friends. (too much to much learned through embracing other cultures and observation that the entries would go on and on and on...)
  • Moved to D.C - (to be covered) 
  • Signed up for and playing Kickball!!!! - Kick off party is this Saturday.
  • Knocked off things on my to -do / wanted to accomplish list (will be covered in a separate entry)
  • Working and looking to get my resume and the word out there that I am available !
  • Exercising 
  • Exciting new work at the FCPS job and how it keeps me going.
    • Remind me to post about the great lecture I attended today on Executive Function as it relates to ADHD and Neurological / Cognitive thought processes. - exciting stuff...seriously. I'm not even a Psychologist and I was taking notes, several pages in fact. Great presenter and speaker. 
  • Xbox 360
  • Visiting Lynchburg and great times catching up with friends / faculty / mentors
  • Daily life in the city / explorations / goals
  • Goals that I've outlined for myself and thinking about how I want to go about achieving them - a lot of this has to do with the In-Service or "Conference" you could call it, that I attended today.

There's so much to write about that has happened it can easily be overwhelming. 

I want to write on how I went about acquiring where I live now and the process my Aunt, my Mother, and myself took to make it ready. 

The massive 46" TV that I bought for myself and the endless hours of shopping conducted on behalf of the move. 

The list goes on and I'll start somewhere as soon as I make some time to get it done. It's in the plans.


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