As I Procrastinate #1: Computer needs and wants and studying abroad!

So I've decided every time I find myself procrastinating, and I'm near a computer, I will take note of what it is I spend my time doing (other than the work of course). Now, naturally this could be seen as a extension of a means to further procrastinate, and it probably is just that. But I think it will be very interesting to look back at what was on my mind because my mind tends to move so fast.

Today I spent a considerable amount of time researching new video cards and processors for my computer. Good lord my computer is old at 4 years. I remember I had SLI (Scalable Link Interface, basically allowing you to combine two graphics or video cards into one) when it just came out. I had mid-range cards at the time but it was the technology that was so cool.

So I read up on Intel's new i7 series processor. I've always been an AMD fan but Intel has really been kicking AMD's butt for a while now. From what I'm reading on several sites they've really taken back over the gaming market, that's just from what I've seen. I remember when I was getting / ordering my computer (a gaming computer) intel really wasn't even an option. They weren't providing gamers with what they wanted back in the day. But the i7 definitely has it.

Where does all of this stem from? Well, like I said, my computer is 4 years old. It's got

2GB DDR ram --> the new and most common is at least DDR2 if not DDR3

AMD Athlon 64 socket 939 processor single core - the new standard is at least dual core
You can't even find these anymore. There's no real upgrade options since their are much newer architectures out there that are now becoming main stream. AM2 or AM2+ or Intel 775 are better bets.

256mb total graphic card memory (2xNvidia 6600gt)
Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe Motherboard
Thermaltake 550w power supply
I know the pictures are absolutely tantalizing, but I was bored while I waited for my ramon noodles to cook!

So the basic point being is that my computer is definitely past it's prime. I was looking into upgrading the processor, ram, and video cards. But it's looking more and more like I'm going to be doing a full re-build. Simply because there is much better technology available now at a decent price. So, it's not a huge factor but I would like to be able to play some games. I've got a little more free time this year than I had last year (that's an understatement lol). So we'll see. I've got some big decisions to make and see where I want to put my money. My sister has been accepted to do a study abroad in Belgium next fall and I'm going to be doing a semester abroad in Austria! So, I will definitely be saving for this trip. I'm going to have to develop a budget so that I make sure I'm saving for all the things I'm going to want to do. I'll post more on this as well!

To come: what my dream list is and more about Austria as well as some other things that are on my mind. I've had some of these stored up and or thought about them today to share. So there is a little backlog but it's stuff I've done this year that I feel like sharing, so I will!

  • Thanksgiving with the family!
  • My new paintball stuff
  • I want one badly.
  • Study Abroad trip to Austria
  • T.C. Detailing stuff


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