FHV – My school!

VERY nice school to say the least. Especially with the new building for the business and engineering students.

Outside of the school. Looking directly at the new building.


Glass enclosed elevator


3rd floor. They count floors from 0. So the basement is –1 etc. Most of my classes are on the floor just below this one. But the hallway shot, I thought, was pretty cool.


Even the urinals are cool


Mech lab


And it’s going to be a little hard to concentrate in class because of the view.

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The blinds are automatic to keep the rooms cooler during the day. They operate based on the amount of sunlight. The can go up/down and rotate the blinds to allow more or less light. You can also operate these manually. The windows are really cool too. The two sides slide back to allow lots of air and not to mention a gorgeous view. The photo’s don’t do it justice. I’ll have to get some pictures of the school up close with the entrances (very cool) and the windows.

Oh and here is one of the computer labs :) Everything is so neat and organized… I love it.


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